What we Do for you

The Healthy Hearts service runs a menu of healthy lifestyle programmes, which are clinically proven to reduce your risk of suffering from Cardiovascular Disease in the near future, and in later life. The community-based health improvement interventions include:

Our specialist team – including Dieticians, Physical Activity Experts and Behaviour Change Practitioners – have designed a variety of approaches that help people lose weight in a way that suits them. Disclaimer: none of our programmes are diets! Instead we focus on long term change and the development of sustainable, healthy habits.

Pelonomi Foundation has Healthy For Sure™ Programme through which our dietician’s emphasize and teach that healthy eating starts with healthy food choices. You don’t need to be a chef to create nutritious, heart-healthy meals your family will love. Learn what to look for at the supermarket, restaurants, your workplace and any eating occasion.

Healthy Hearts’s health checks can be delivered in community locations, healthcare settings and in workplaces. Each check lasts about half an hour and includes a range of non-clinical tests that provide an overall picture of an individual’s health and their risk of developing certain health conditions. We are fully compliant with the Ministry of Health’s Health Checks programme.

Cooking more meals at home gives everyone in the family an opportunity to build better eating habits, one plate at a time.  Healthy Hearts offers free cookery lessons in which participants will have:

  • Access to 6 live sessions with a Healthy Hearts practitioner
  • Access to free video recipes
  • You will be able to meet people that share similar interests about food and health
  • Ongoing support provided by our Healthy Hearts practitioners
  • Access to the wider Healthy Hearts community through our private Facebook page and Whatsapp group to keep connected with others
  • Topics include: Learning how to include more fruit and veg in your diet, why do we need protein, where can we find pulses and much more!

To join this course email us at info@pelonomi.com Ref: Cookery Classes or fill in your details here and we will give you a call.

Exercising regularly is a key strategy in preventing heart disease, it leads to heart-healthy habits. This can prevent conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, and poor cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.   Healthy Hearts works with Exercise Professionals who will tailor make an exercise recipe to suit your needs.  New to activity, or coming back from injury, we’ve got you covered.:

Get Support: Suggested classes to suit you and your fitness levels.

Get Moving: Unlimited access to live and on-demand sessions.

Get Goodies: Recipes, a home exercise guide and a wealth of hints and tips.

Get Challenges: Fresh weekly challenges to keep you on your toes.

Register with us @ info@pelonomi.com or

Use the online service enquiry/referral request form:

If you qualify you will have your own Healthy Heart Care Planner who will be with you every step of the way to check your progress, motivate you to achieve your goals and give you advice and guidance. Depending on what your risk factors are and how ready you feel you are to make changes will help decide which parts of the programme you take part in.

The Healthy For Sure™ guide (below) shows how to maintain a healthy balanced diet, by showing how much of what we eat should come from each food group.

Try to get the balance right over a day or week, it doesn’t need to be at every meal.

Eat less sugar and fat

  • Foods like crisps, chocolate, ice cream and pastries contain sugars and fats that your body doesn’t need. Eat these less often and in small amounts.

Drink plenty of fluids

  • Go for water or reduced fat, sugar-free drinks and have 6-8 glasses each day.

Fruits and vegetables

  • We should all aim to eat 5 portions fruit and vegetables each day. Fresh, Frozen or Tinned they all count.
  • Aim for 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of vegetables to make up your 5 a day.
  • Over 1/3 of our food each day should be a combination of fruit and veg.

Starchy Carbs

  • Try high–fibre options such as brown rice or wholewheat bread, or try leaving the skin on your potatoes
  • 1/3 of our food each day should be a combination of starchy foods.


Oils and Spreads

  • Unsaturated fats are better, so opt for rapeseed oil or olive oil.
  • All types of spreads and oils are high in calories and are still fats, so try to use them in small amounts


  • Milk, cheese and yoghurt are all great sources of protein and calcium which makes our bones strong.
  • Give lower fat products a go – semi skimmed or skimmed milk, lower fat yoghurts etc.


  • Low in fat and packed with fibre; pulses, chick peas, lentils and beans offer a healthy alternative to meat.
  • Try and introduce fish twice a week and include at least one good source of Omega-3 such as sardines, mackerel and salmon.
  • It’s best to limit the amount of red and processed meat such as minced beef and sausages, so swap for white meat, and keep it healthy by trimming the fat.

Portion Sizes

  • Even when you make a healthier choice, over-eating will increase the calories, fat and sugar consumed, which can lead to putting on weight
  • Check the manufacturer’s food labels to see how many portions they state is in a pack. You may be eating more than you think!

What do the traffic light labels mean?

The traffic light system gives calorie information and shows whether the item is high or low in fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt. The information also tells you the Reference Intake (RI) of the item – what percentage of your daily reference intake the item is.

Here are some examples of traffic light labels and how you might use them:

Red shows you at a glance that the food you are thinking of buying is high in fat, saturated fat, sugars or salt. Be mindful of portion sizes and try to eat them less often.

Amber foods need a little caution when choosing. If the label is amber for fat but contains oily fish or is amber for sugars but contains a lot of fruit, it may still be a healthy choice. It’s best to check for hidden fats and sugars on the ingredients list.

Green lets you know that the food you are thinking of buying is a healthier choice. Try to choose these most often and if there are a mixture of colours on the label, try and go for more greens.